Avian Park



Every second Wednesday afternoon at the ‘Vlakkie’

With all the heavy rain it was a challenge with the wet track at the beginning of the term.

The children had a time to enjoy a peaceful environment and had joy of abundance riding the bikes. 


Practise Days: Mondays & Wednesdays

TIME: 17:00 – 18:00


Practise Days: Mondays & Wednesdays

TIME: 17:00 – 18:00

Faced with challenges due to bad weather conditions throughout the term, the girls faithfully committed to attending every practice.

Looking forward to the end of the term  when the Avian Stars will join another local netball group to have fun-filled matches and a delightful fellowship afterwards.

Primary school bible Study

Tuesdays (at 17 Vink Street)

15:00 – 15:30 Younger Children

15:30 – 16:00 Older Children


The Grace Trust now owns property in Avian Park (17 Vink Street) from where all the projects are run from:

Mondays: Cricket & Netball – 17:00 – 18:00

Tuesday Mornings: Woman’s Bible Study – 10:00

Tuesday Afternoons: Primary School Bible Study – 15:00

Wednesdays: Cricket & Netball – 17:00 – 18:00

Every Second Wednesday: BMX Project – 14:00 – 16:00

Thursday Afternoons: High School Bible Study – Boys 15:15 -Girls 16:00

Swop Shop

Every second Wednesday (in the container at Loerie Street, Avian Park)

Women Swop Shop: 09:00 – 10:30

Children Swop Shop: 14:00 – 16:00


This recycling project helps women (in the mornings) and children (in the afternoon) to focus on keeping their areas clean and get rewarded by bringing the recyclable item (Glass, Tin, Paper, Plastic) and buying necessities. 

Average Children per swop (July, August & September) = 115 Children


Recycled (July, August & September):

Tin = 648kg

Glass = 5779kg

Paper = 3479kg

Plastic = 1004kg

Touch Rugby

Monday & Wednesday afternoons from 17:00 till 18:00

Boys attended joy-filled evenings of playing touch rugby in a safe environment.   

Youth & high school bible study

Thursdays (at 17 Vink Street)

Boys: 15:15

Girls: 16:00

Youth (at WCG): 18:00

On Thursday evenings the teenagers attend the Youth Group at WCG together with the youth of Overhex. 

Teenagers face real concerns daily as this is the most awkward growth stage of their lives. During this time, teens are exposed to some overwhelming external and internal struggles and by attending this group sessions the tools on handling those issues are deposited.

Women's Bible Study

(in the container in Loerie Street)

Tuesdays: 09:00 – 10:30


The Avian Park Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) joyfully welcomes twelve young learners to their educational adventure!

Tuesday to Friday, from 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM